PRIVACY & House rules


This site is designed to help people experiencing Body Dysmorphic Disorder and their family and friends. Therefore we will are very selective about the content that is shared on this site. Here is a brief list of the types of content that this site will publish and the expectations:

  1. Your privacy is number one. We will absolutely positively never ever share something unless you have given us express permission to do so.

  2. If we share something of yours and you change your mind about it being online, we will remove it as soon as possible.

  3. We reserve the right to publish or not publish something, without condition or the need to provide an explanation There may be a variety of reasons why we chose to not publish something.

  4. Given that the issue that we are addressing is a very delicate one, we reserve the right to publish or not publish the comments that you submit to this site. If we deem a comment inappropriate or simply not suitable for this site, we will not publish it and we are not obliged to provide a reason or enter into any further discussion of the matter.

  5. This is a volunteer site and no money is or will be paid for any content that is displayed on this site.

  6. Please don’t send us links to your commercial products or businesses, we don’t want to upset you by not publishing them.

  7. If you see something that upsets you on here, please let us know.

  8. Please be nice.